300.Longest Increasing Subsequence
Tags: [dp], [inner_loop_dp]
Link: https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-increasing-subsequence/#/description
Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of longest increasing subsequence.
For example,
Given[10, 9, 2, 5, 3, 7, 101, 18]
The longest increasing subsequence is[2, 3, 7, 101]
, therefore the length is4
. Note that there may be more than one LIS combination, it is only necessary for you to return the length.
Your algorithm should run in O(n2) complexity.
Follow up:Could you improve it to O(nlogn) time complexity?
Solution: Inner Loop DP
class Solution(object):
def lengthOfLIS(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: int
if not nums:
return 0
# DP formula:
# f[i] = max(f[j] + 1), 0<= j < i, nums[j] < nums[i].
dp = [1 for _ in xrange(len(nums))]
for i in xrange(1, len(nums)):
for j in xrange(i):
if nums[j] < nums[i]:
dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] + 1)
return max(dp)
- See the comments in code.
- Time complexity = O(n^2), n is the number of elements of the given nums.
Follow Up:
class Solution(object):
def lengthOfLIS(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: int
if not nums:
return 0
increasing_subseq = []
for n in nums:
if not increasing_subseq or n > increasing_subseq[-1]:
# try to find the index i at where increasing_subseq[i - 1] <= n <= increasing_subseq[i]
index = self.binary_search(increasing_subseq, n)
increasing_subseq[index] = n
return len(increasing_subseq)
def binary_search(self, arr, target):
# find the index i at where arr[i - 1] <= target <= arr[i]
start = 0
end = len(arr) - 1
while start <= end:
mid = start + (end - start) / 2
if target <= arr[mid]:
if (mid - 1 < start) or (mid - 1 >= start and arr[mid - 1] <= target):
return mid
end = mid - 1
# n >= arr[mid]
start = mid + 1
return -1
- Try to build this longest increasing subsequence.
- If current num is greater than the last element of the increasing_subseq, so we just append the current num to end of the increasing_subseq.
if current num less than greater than the last element of the increasing_subseq, we try to find a place i at where increasing_subseq[i - 1] <= current num <= increasing_subseq[i], then use the current num to update the increasing_subseq[i], which can make the increasing_subseq smaller and smaller.
For example, the current num is 9, and current increasing_subseq = [3, 10], we find the i = 1, which make increasing[1 - 1] <= 9 <= increasing_subseq[1], so we use '9' to update the '10', after updating the increasing_subseq become to [3, 9].
- Another example, the current num is 3, and the current increasing_subseq = [1, 4, 10], after updating, the increasing_subseq become to [1, 3, 10], which give the future coming elements more 'space' to grow.
- Because when we build the increasing_subseq, we update the increasing_subseq based on the element's order, so the elements of the increasing_subseq is sorted. So we can apply binary search to find the position.
- Time complexity = O(nlgn), n is the number of elements in the given nums.